Galaxy tab 2 won’t turn on

Galaxy tab 2 won’t turn on. Samsung galaxy tab 2 is a fully featured gadget. It also has multi-functions and uses for many purposes. If you are a tablet user, then I know very well that you face many problems. It happens on all electronic gadgets.

But in my notice that the most ordinary problem is of turning it ON. I hear a complaint from many users that their galaxy tab 2 stopped turning on. So then I thought, why not make an article on it?

In this article, I am telling almost all the reasons why it is happening, and along with it, you can also get the most tremendous and simplest troubleshooting, and I expect that you never get before.

Galaxy tab 2 won’t turn on

Dear visitors, first of all, you should know that it is not huge trouble. Take this into your mind because It can help you to get rid of this trouble instantly so that you can do it without any extra hard work.

It stops turning on because when the charger is faulty, the battery is at drain level, defective charging power, etc., but dont so worry. You can do it from different methods, so you will just need to follow the below info…

By using a simple method

by using a simple method

It happens due to many reasons, but the first and most excellent method is to get rid of it by using this simple trick.

For this, you have to press the power button for at least 10 seconds and then wait. If the screen becomes turned on, then it’s okay,

But if it is still black, then you need to hold and press the volume down button and the power up button simultaneously for 15 to 20 seconds.

After this, I hope that screen becomes turned on, and you can use the samsung galaxy tab2 once again. If it does not perform, then try the next method.

Examine the cable’s condition

Sometimes the battery level of the galaxy tab 2 become drains out fully, and then you can not turn it on. So if you want to turn it on,

Then attaches the charger with it and start waiting for a few minutes, and then check the battery level.

If it is still on 0 percent, then examine any breakage or bend on the charging cable. If it is visible, then you have to purchase a new one. And then again, charge the galaxy tab 2 for usage.

Defective port

When you join the charger with your galaxy tab 2, even the charger and the cable is working tremendously, but if charging is still at a low level, then you have to check the port’s condition.

If you see any breakage element in the port or the dirt particles, then it means it is the reason behind this difficulty, so now you should clean it with the brush.

If you have a better experience with hardware fixing, then fix the port; otherwise, contact the technician to get recovery immediately.

Broken display

broken display

If, after charging and examining the condition of the lightning cable if it is not turning on, then it may cause screen breakage.

So if you see any crack or smashed piece of the screen, then you have to visit the official store of Samsung neat you for a replacement of the screen.

Join/Unjoin the battery connector

In the Samsung galaxy tab 2, the battery is fixed in the panel, so if you want to connect/disconnect, you need to open the upper structure of the tablet. So take a plastic opener toll and guitar plastic, then proceed to further method…

  • Open the structure

Firstly, Detach the charger. Take out the back cover with the help of your hand. After this, take a plastic opener tool and put it on the front screen edges of the tablet and then create a gap.

Now in the gap, you have to put the plastic piece or a guitar plastic and start moving from one side to the end side until the screen detaches from the frame accurately.

  • Join/Unjoin connector

Then you can see the battery and the connector, which grip with the frame, so now you have to take the connector strip off and then adjust it again.

Now close the structure and charge the galaxy tab 2. After a few minutes, the battery will charge, and you can use the tablet again for all purposes.


After reading this properly, I hope you learn about this trouble and also understand that the method is so simple and easy to sort out in every condition, so whenever you get this difficulty, check the articles’ detail and try the methods one by one.

I hope best that after reading this, you can solve this instantly, and if you do not want to face this trouble again, then you should never miss a step so you can get a permanent solution.

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